The associative: a richness for some, a financial wealth for others.

As if the management of an association was not already difficult enough like that, the state took advantage of the summer to announce the non-renewal of part of the so-called “assisted” contracts without explanation or consultation!

This is a brutal blow for many associations and local authorities whose subsidized jobs facilitate the integration of their beneficiaries and feed the associative life of the neighborhoods.

This violent decision, which throws 150,000 workers onto the street, has serious consequences for a large part of the population to such an extent that we ourselves are concerned.

To put it simply: these “subsidized contracts” were institutionalized by the state in the 80s and since then all governments have renewed them. Their objective is to enable the reintegration into working life of those furthest from employment, young people under 26 and over 50.

This is a necessity especially in a difficult period where the news regularly reminds us with the incessant increase in the unemployment rate…

However, the government will abolish these contracts with the exception of those in national education and the police.

These subsidized contracts are mainly used in the associative sector where funding is so insufficient that employing staff is simply impossible without the state covering part of the salary of these employees.

Which, beyond the human dimension, concerns us directly because La Ressourcerie, which hosts our monthly sessions and stores our equipment, has only 16 employees out of 20 since the announcement of this measure, 4 contracts could not be renewed and 10 others are on assisted contracts!

14 out of 20 employees are affected! In November 2 contracts end and cannot be renewed then 2 new ones in December, 3 in January and 1 in February and 4 in April/May.

A real hecatomb!

Without these contracts, La Ressourcerie cannot continue its action because it is impossible to do at 6 what they managed to accomplish at 20!

Beyond the workload which is obviously impossible to assume, it must be realized that these employees already paid at the minimum wage and for some on 25 hours find themselves again on the “labor market”.

The Ressourcerie is in danger and our association is likely to suffer the consequences of this political contempt because if it closes we no longer have premises. Now, and this is a serious problem that the state does not care about, but the cost of room rentals in Paris is simply beyond the reach of an association like ours. Unless we restructure our association, which we do not want, we will not find other accommodation possibilities under the same conditions!

Yet the associative that brings together sport, leisure, health, culture and so on counts in civic life because (in 2016) 1 in 2 French people give to an association. So make no mistake, this is done knowingly, the will of this government is to offer a new breach for new private markets to seize.

The ACF deplores and denounces the government’s contempt for the associative world and its 13 million volunteers and congratulates the employees who, through their courage, were able to impose themselves to finally keep their exceptional jobs within La Ressourcerie!

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