Our first steps

Our first steps.

Creating an association law 1901 can be a real ordeal if you are not persevering …

Fortunately, our small team was able to hang on and be supported by the employees of the Maison des Associations without whom we would not have yet emerged from the administrative disputes. Far from preconceived things like “all it takes is a president and a treasurer” the creation of an association involves much more steps and investments.

Starting by agreeing all together on the choice of name and the direction we want to give to the association by precisely determining its goals, which, already, requires time and diplomacy.

The simple drafting of the statutes first requires the understanding of what they imply before starting its formatting. We must take into account the goals we set ourselves by thinking not to lock ourselves into a legislative straightjacket under penalty of having to modify them which generates costs in addition to the steps …

Still in the administrative obligations there is the drafting of the internal regulations that must be carried out carefully because it is the proper functioning of the association and the responsibility of its leaders.

Equally unexciting but necessary the subscription of an insurance for the tranquility of the members and the opening of a bank account are part of the tasks “easier said than done”.

Nothing is done to help small associations with small means to such an extent that after having inquired up and down it is we who have indicated what type of account and how to open it to the banker and it is not for lack of having canvassed more than fifteen banks all as flu-under each other! We are proud to announce that after many adventures the account maintenance fees amount to 2.09 € / month! In other words, a piece of junk.

Well after many meetings we wrote the minutes of the General Assembly and the associated cerfa to deposit the association in the prefecture. Once accepted and published in the Official Journal we created the account on the website of the Maison des Associations and did the same on that of the prefecture in order to affix the documents attesting to our compliance.

In parallel, the realization of the logo and its vectorization allowed us to move forward around a much lighter work but quickly eclipsed by the purchase of practical and administrative equipment essential to the proper functioning of the association.

These purchases, although not very substantial, are again linked to a common reflection on financial viability, the calculation of contributions, the search for a mandatory fee reduction and the establishment of a forecast confirming our goal, which is not obvious!

We then had to find a room for the organization of Parisian meetings and after about fifty requests it is the solidarity of the associative environment that allowed us to get there because more than 7000 Parisian associations compete for the rare rooms at prices a little bit correct.
Not yet touching the goal, we still had to transfer the registered office after opening a post office box and filling in the documents allowing a “natural” person to receive mail on behalf of a “legal” person, in short, an association.
The search for equipment and event partners has fortunately been less difficult since it is in the small sphere of crocheting as in the associative environment that we advance most easily.

The writing of the QR code and membership cards made us see the end of the tunnel and since the opening of memberships 2 months ago today it is a real pleasure to register your memberships and see that all the work done is starting to reap its fruits!

Because it is indeed a job, at least an investment that our geographical distribution from Lille to Lyon via Paris has not facilitated…

It was necessary to meet in Paris and coordinate in order to work with common tools, hence the creation of many files for accounting, archive files, contracts and everything that follows. An incalculable number of phone calls and meetings were necessary to create the ACF and it is with pride that we will see the development of the first association of its kind through your passion and your projects!

Do not hesitate to offer us through our “contact” section on the site which for the work it required deserves its article alone!

On Thursday, May 19, the first First Open House was held at the Parisian venue and its real success sets the tone for the future of the association, so come and join us!

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