From the current limits of associative action to the means of overcoming them –

Saturday 21 November – 9h30/19h30

At the Centre Sèvres

35 bis rue de Sèvres – 75006 Paris [métro : Sèvre Babylone (ligne 10 ou 12)]

This study day deals with both the threats to the associative world and the alternatives that reinforce it.

The atypical beginning of 2020 confirmed the importance of the associative world and the capacity of citizens for self-organization to face the needs of solidarity and sometimes compensate for a number of failures or limits in the action of public institutions.

However, the recovery plan focused on support for businesses (without social or ecological conditionalities) once again makes invisible the associative actors who, as the latest surveys show, are bearing the brunt of the economic consequences of the crisis.

By inventing the world of tomorrow through countless alternatives and initiatives (housing, food, energy, access to law, culture, sports activities, popular education, …)And despite their difficulties, many associations strive every day to be places of concrete solidarity, laboratories of local democracy. In this, they deserve a central place to enable us to envisage a sustainable, fraternal and participatory society.

But for them the situation is becoming increasingly complicated. They are forced to do more and more with less (reduction and mutation of public funding, competition between projects to the detriment of their ability to cooperate and sometimes instrumentalization of structures within the framework of public policies decided without them, or even repression of their action…). Beyond the observations to be shared, what avenues of work should be considered today in order to build a less gloomy future with associative actors and, more generally, with citizens collectively aspiring to a more just, sustainable and environmentally friendly society?

The day is structured in two stages. The first is devoted to the scenario of weakening, it highlights the threats that weigh on the associative world. If this evolution is worrying is real, it is not inevitable and the second part is devoted to the scenario of strengthening and taking into account the dissemination of alternatives.

The participation is 15€it gives you access to two books:

From social-business to solidarity economy: critique of social  innovation – Juan M., Laville J-L., Subirats J., (ed.)

The Awakening of UtopiaLaville J-L, Riot-Sarcey M.

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