Initiation session to the picking of safe pumps

This Saturday, May 28 in the Parisian premises of the ACF took place an introduction to the picking of Decayeux pump, by a member of the association “VidoQ“, professional safe.

We thank him warmly! He passed on his knowledge to us voluntarily, allowed us to discover tricks and different versions of this widespread pump and especially his detailed presentation was preceded by a history of the brand and the evolutions of the models concerned.

Some members of the association have driven up to 4 hours to come and enjoy the teachings of this expert!
And all of them were able to open the different versions and exploit the tricks distributed throughout this session.

It was also possible to buy for the extraordinary sum of 20€ the kit provided during the learning session!

As usual, the members were able to indulge their passion for as long as they wanted, then were able to continue their openings on other securities and take advantage of the appointment to exchange cylinders.

Having members with such experience within the ACF, turned towards exchange and sharing, is a real strength for the association, Thanks to VidoQ for allowing us to have a great time between locksmith enthusiasts!

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