Privacy Policy

This site belongs to a non-profit association that has no connection with any company.
We are fully aware of the privacy issues of our visitors, given our passion.
We are not going to explain what a cookie is, what the GDPR is, how to clear your browsing history, or provide you with other information that you can easily find elsewhere, we prefer to explain how we manage the privacy of users of our site.

Our cookies

Like almost all websites, we use cookies that we place on your browser.
We only use cookies called “necessary” for the technical functioning of our site, we make it a point of honor not to use an audience manager (such as Google Analytics) whose purpose is to monitor user habits for commercial purposes.
No cookies from our site are placed by others or shared.

Voici la liste des cookies que nous pourrions déposer sur votre navigateur :

cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessaryUser consent to the necessary cookies
CookieLawInfoConsentUser consent to the deposit of cookies
pll_languageSite display language
popup_form_dismissed_Indicates that a message has been hidden
viewed_cookie_policyUser consent to the deposit of cookies
wfwaf-authcookie-Identifies computer security checks performed using information transmitted by the user’s browser.Only set when the user has logged in to our site.
wf_loginalerted_Identifies computer security checks performed using information transmitted by the user’s browser.Only set when the user has logged in to our site.
wordpress_logged_in_Identifies the registered user and time of registration.Only set when the user has logged in to our site.
wordpress_sec_Identifies the registered user and time of registration.Only set when the user has logged in to our site.
wordpress_test_cookieIndicates whether the user’s browser accepts the deposit of cookies.Only set when the user tries to log in to our site.
wp-settings-Identifies the registered user and their custom interface.Only set when the user has logged in to our site.
wp-settings-time-Identifies the registered user and their custom interface.Only set when the user has logged in to our site.

What control over these cookies?

All these cookies are necessary for the proper technical functioning of our site, therefore we do not offer you a means of restricting the cookies collected.
Keep in mind that most of these cookies are not placed on the browser of simple unregistered “visitors”.

External references

When your browser receives a page from a website, it contains links to other elements (an image, a video, a “like” button, a script that is not displayed but loads other elements elsewhere, a map, a piece of another site, a nice font…)
On almost all sites, many of these elements are downloaded by your browser from sites other than the one you are visiting.
In other words, when you visit a site, you inform the whole Earth…
Nature abhors a vacuum, so a small number of American companies have made it a specialty to reference all this content and provide it for free to anyone who requests it, knowing all their browsing habits in the process.

What we did

We decided that given our passion, it was not appropriate to inform Google, Cloudflare, Facebook, or any other US content delivery network (CDNs) that you are viewing a members-only page of our site or that you are just a visitor interested in our events.
In fact, it’s like cookies, we wish that if an advertisement for crocheting equipment appears on your screen when you are at work with your superiors, it is not our fault…
As a result, we did the great work of redacting the site editor we use of any references that could be removed.

Here is the list of external references that remain:

DestinationCall page(s)Usefulness
openstreetmap.orgpages with a mapThe display of the map, we can not store entirely on our site a dynamic and up-to-date map.

Please report any oversight or anomaly, make sure beforehand that the problem does not come from your browser or an extension of your browser.